Yesterday, Shabbat, was a nice day, so we decided to take a drive. I picked some roads southwest of the Kinneret that we had never been on before.
We started on the first new road at Kfar Tavor, which is just east of Har Tavor (Mt. Tabor). From there we drove east across a fertile, fairly flat plain. Just before the end of this flat part, we had to wait because a truck trailer had either overturned or just slipped off into the ditch, and a big crane was there trying to get it back up onto the highway, blocking both lanes (it's only a 2-lane road). Finally, the crane finished it's work and we could get past.
Shortly after that, the road descended into a valley and went through a town. After that, we went up a bit and came to a junction. I saw a gas station just to the right of the junction with this tower. We both needed to use the restroom, but, of course, I also wanted to go up this tower for the view!

We readily paid the price of 2 shekels per person and started walking up the tower. When I got to the top, here's the first thing I noticed:

A handy place to make a nest for your eggs, isn't it? Except maybe for all the humans that could disturb them.
The views from the tower were indeed spectacular. Here's the view towards the northeast, showing most of the Kinneret (the "Sea of Galilee"):

Looking east, you can see the southern end of the Kinneret and, beyond that, the southern end of the Golan. Further right are hills in Jordan:

This is the view looking southeast, showing the Jordan River valley south of the Kinneret and, again, hills in Jordan on the other side:

For the curious among you, here's a Google satellite image with the position of the tower shown very precisely with the stick pin. My iPhone got the location exactly right!