By the way, they picked a nice system for the street names. The name of the connector road, רחוב דרך אבני החושן Rekhov Derekh Avnei HaKhoshen ("Way of the Breastplate Stones Street"), is the clue. All of the other streets are named after precious stones that were in the breastplate of the high priest, as detailed in the Torah.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
New street signs (and names!) in Neve Oranim
By the way, they picked a nice system for the street names. The name of the connector road, רחוב דרך אבני החושן Rekhov Derekh Avnei HaKhoshen ("Way of the Breastplate Stones Street"), is the clue. All of the other streets are named after precious stones that were in the breastplate of the high priest, as detailed in the Torah.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
David is home!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
David much improved
Monday, October 4, 2010
Pictures from around Rambam Medical Center
I actually took this next picture a day or two earlier. This is a view of the big hole they are digging there. It will house an underground parking structure, above which will be 3 new large buildings. The hoses that you see coming out of the vertical pipes are carrying the ground water that is being pumped out to the sea. See my previous post for pictures of it entering the sea. The tiny size of the workers in this picture can give you a sense of the scale of this hole!
Here's another picture of the big hole, taken from the main entrance to Rambam. This is also the road that they use to get down into the hole. In this view, you can see the two large cranes that are working there. Also, on the left is the tower that houses the Technion Medical School. The tall building on the right is the Sammy Ofer tower, the current main building of Rambam. The mall seen earlier is on the ground floor of this building but actually the other side of the tall part. The building a little to the left of the main building in this picture is the Rambam Children's Hospital.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
By the sea near David's room
For details, telephone 8542417."
Actually, I had already figure out where the water was coming from by following the pipes back. Already for quite a few months now there has been a HUGE deep whole right near the main entrance to the Rambam Medical Center complex. Not only are they building an underground parking structure, but on top of it will be three new large buildings. There's a model just inside the current main building showing how the campus will look when the construction is done. It seems like it will be very nice, and the parking situation should be much better, too. I also noticed that the whole row of small buildings where David is now will be gone.
Here's another picture (actually taken the next day) showing the fountain of water. In the background, you can see small sailboats, large container ships, and, on the horizon, Rosh HaNikra, which is the Lebanon border!