There were quite a few people there, which is not surprising, since it was a Shabbat with perfect weather. Interestingly, the only language I heard anyone speaking was Hebrew. Usually, I would expect to hear some Russian (spoken by Russian-Israelis) and probably one of two other languages (spoken by visitors from abroad).
This is an absolutely stunningly beautiful place! Here are a few of the best pictures I took there.
Not very far up, there were 3 ibexes quite near the trail, so it wasn't too difficult to get this nice shot of a couple of them. The one on the left has some kind of a collar around its neck. I presume this has something to do with tracking him. I didn't see if the others one had one or not.
A little further up, I came to the first pool. Here's a nice picture of it reflecting the sky. I think the girl in the purple top actually adds a nice touch to this view.
In the right side of the picture above, you get a hint of the cave up high on that side. Here's a full-on view of that same cave or hollow in the side of the canyon.
Somewhat further up, there are steps carved into the wall on the right to allow people to get up past the waterfall. I didn't go that way this time. Instead, I continued toward the bottom of the waterfall. Some distance below it, there is a small, obviously manmade dam. This allows visitors to cross the stream in order to get closer to the falls. Here's a view from near the left end of that dam showing the pool behind the dam reflecting the cliff side. High above is the trail I didn't go on this time (you can't really see it, but you might spot a sign up there beside it). The waterfall is near the lower center of this pictures, but you can't really see it very well, either, since it's a bit dark in there, and there's only a trickle of water coming down. You CAN see, though, that there's another dam, this one natural and much nearer to the falls.
Here's a view from that natural dam showing the waterfall very clearly, together with about a quarter or a third of the pool between it and the natural dam.
The views in the downstream direction are impressive, too. The following 2 shots are examples:

With all this water, it's not surprising to find a lot of both plant and animal life. Here's a bird that I saw and managed to get a good picture of: