Monday, July 28, 2008

Closed office, extra class, and a trip to the supermarket

This morning, I went into town with my water bill and the receipt from the plumber (who fixed the leak) in hand, planning to argue for a big reduction. But the office was closed. However, a woman did come out while I was standing there reading the hand-written sign (in Hebrew and Russian only!) on the door and assured me that it would be open tomorrow.

At 10:50, just before I got back home, I got a call from the Berlitz asking if I could substitute for a class that was scheduled to begin at 11:00. Of course, I agreed, it was a good class, and I earned an extra 60 shekels or so. This is especially good, since my teaching schedule is pretty slack this week.

After eating a late lunch, we went shopping at the supermarket. We got quite a few things, using money from David's disability payment, which had been promptly deposited into his account early this morning. On Wednesday, we'll go to the shuk (the open-air market next to the high school that only happens once a week) and we'll get a lot of fruits and vegetables.

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