Monday, August 25, 2008

David's Monday in the hospital

David skipped both breakfast and lunch today (Monday) because he thought that they were going to do the procedure to get rid of the stone in his bile duct. At lunch time, we even asked the doctor, and he said that David shouldn't eat. However, they were unable to schedule it for today.

We also found out that the procedure will actually be done at Rambam Medical Center, the teaching hospital in Haifa. David will be driven there (a ride of about an hour and a half), then he will undergo the procedure (via the mouth and esophagus, so there will be no incision!), and after that he will be driven back here to the Tsfat hospital. The uncertainty was finally removed this evening, and it is now scheduled for tomorrow (Tuesday). Of course, nothing is written in stone (so to speak!) here in Israel (except ancient inscriptions, of course! LOL).

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