Saturday, October 18, 2008

Outdoor cats

As I think I've mentioned before, we've been adopted by 4 outdoor cats. Every morning, we feed them on the front porch near our front door. We've named them Beatrix, MiniMe (Beatrix's growing kitten who looks almost identical to her), Blackie, and Ts'hovi (from the Hebrew word צהוב tsahov, which means "yellow" -- of course, he's a yellow cat!). A few days ago, we went out for a walk, taking the camera with us. Three of the four (all except Ts'hovi) came out to great us, as we left and when we returned. I got some very cute pictures of Blackie and MiniMe. I've inserted 4 of them here: Blackie, MiniMe, Blackie and MiniMe together near our front door, and David and Blackie (she's sitting on the wall and David is standing on the sidewalk right in from of our house, next to the driveway).

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