This first picture was actually taken from our driveway. It's a picture of snow-covered Har Khermon (Mt. Hermon), at the north end of the Golan, in the extreme northeast corner of Israel.

The rest of the pictures were all taken in Park Adamit, not far from the extreme northwest corner of Israel.
Here's a lovely white flower with a yellow center.

The next picture shows one of the main attractions of Park Adamit, the Rainbow Bridge, which is a natural arch along the edge of a cliff.

The next picture is a view of Har Karmel (Mt. Carmel) from Park Adamit. If you look very, very closely, you MAY be able to see that there is a tall building on Har Karmel, a little right from the center of the picture. This is Migdal Eshkol (Eshkol Tower), the main building of the University of Haifa. Incidentally, on a clear day, this building is also visible from Tsfat, from a point (actually MANY points) only a short walk from our house!

Here's a bird who stayed perched in one place long enough for me to get his pictures. Thanks again to the zoom on my camera (and some cropping, of course).

We saw quite a few of these lovely flowers. Perhaps they are irises, or some kind of orchid?

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