In several place along the sidewalk on the other side of the road, there are beautiful groups of flowers including some very nice red poppies:

A little ways further along the road, I saw several of these blue flowers blooming. I think that they are some kind of lupine:

We turned around at one of our usual spots, and I snapped this picture of a bug on a white flower near there:

In that same area, I caught this interesting long-legged bug on a yellow flower:

Not far from that, we came upon a group of ants. This piece of bone had somehow gotten there on the sidewalk near the ant hole, and these industrious ants were wasting no time getting what they could from it!

It's cherry blossom time here in Tsfat (well, actually I've only seen 2 cherry tree)! Our cherry tree is blooming, but these blossoms are actually on a small tree in the yard of a neighbor not far away:

The peach tree in our yard has almost finished blooming, but there were still a couple of blossoms left on it. Here's one of them:

This is MiniMe and Beatrix. Beatrix is the one closer to us in the picture, and MiniMe is her now-full-grown male kitten. Beatrix had another litter of kittens about 2 weeks ago, but we haven't seen them yet. All we know for sure is that she was very pregnant, she disappeared for a couple of days, and then she came back obviously no longer pregnant but very hungry and with lactating tits. I'm sure she'll bring the kittens for us to see when she and they are ready. In the mean time, we don't even know where they are or how many of them there are.

And, finally, here is Katom, our indoor-only cat who made aliyah with us from California:

1 comment:
Beautiful pictures of flowers and the beach. You're a great photographer! I know I'll never get over to Israel. Could you take pictures of what Israel looks like? :-) jeannie jose hummel
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