There has been a lot of construction going on in our neighborhood lately. The biggest project is the one across the street from us and down a little, where they are currently building 3 buildings which apparently will each have 4 apartments. They have also leveled 3 additional lots and have begun drilling foundations on them, as well. So, there will be 3 more buildings, although I don't know yet how many apartments each of them will contain.
Earlier this week, they unloaded this strange machine on a track vehicle. At first I didn't know what it was, but it wasn't long until we found out. It's a machine that grinds rocks into gravel. In this first picture, you can see the rim of the big bin that the rocks are dumped into:

In this 2nd picture, you can see the machine in action. The "monster" has just dumped a load of rocks into the bin. On the right side, you can see the belt where the grinding machine is dumping the gravel it has produced. Behind the grinding machine, you can see a big pile of white gravel that it produced earlier. Finally, on the far right side of the picture, you can see Har Khermon (Mt. Hermon), the highest point in Israel, in the distance.

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