Sunday, June 27, 2010

Pictures from today

Here are edited versions (Photo Shop for iPhone) of 4 pictures I snapped today in and around the hospital.

I hiked all the to the top of the main stairwell, and all the way to the bottom. At the top were 2 doors. The locked one obviously led to the elevator mechanism room. The other door was wide open to the room you can see in the 2nd picture. The 1st pic shows a close-up of the floor-tile pattern, the same one used throughout the hospital wards.

Since the door at the other end of the room led directly out onto the roof, it was, of course, locked. But the window right next to it was wide open with no screen. I could easily have climbed through it out onto the roof, but I restrained myself. Instead, I reached out through it with my phone held as high as possible and snapped the 3rd pic you see here, a sweeping view of most of the Kinneret (the "Sea of Galilee") with the rim of the hospital roof in the foreground.

The last picture shows the sunset behind הר מרון Mt. Meron. I took it just a few minutes ago, from the balcony next to my unit's dining room, but it's essentially the view from my room!

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