This morning, I was up early. I had finished checking my e-mail and everything else for the morning, so I decided to go for a walk. Although we are expecting rain today, it was still sunny out.
I headed up the trail north of our house and crossed the cattle guard into the pasture. Many cattle were out grazing. Here's a picture of the first one I encountered:

Further up the trail, I saw this cow and these two calves. Yes, there ARE two calves; look carefully, and you'll see that one the same color is nursing right under his/her mother. And isn't the calf on the right really cute?

Here's a black horse that was out grazing but not in the pasture. He was actually tethered by a chain.

When I got back home, I took this picture of our very own שקדיה shkedia (almond tree). There are also LOTS of wild almond trees near here (although none along the route I walked), and they are all in full, GORGEOUS bloom now. It's really quite spectacular, with whole hillsides and valleys covered with them!
One final note: all of these pictures were taken with my iPhone, which has no zoom. I did crop them, however.

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