Saturday, January 16, 2010

A beautiful Shabbat in Nahariya and M'tzuba

Today (Shabbat) has been another lovely, warm day. So we decided to take a trip to the northwest. We traveled the northern road, a nice route at any time but especially on a beautiful day.

When we got to Kibbutz M'tzuba, no one was there at Golan's World of Reptiles. When I called Golan, he didn't answer, either. So we called our dear friend, Cynthia, in Nahariya. When we got her, it turned out that she had been about to pick up the phone to call us!

So, we proceeded down to Nahariya, picked up Cynthia, and head up to the beach just south of Rosh HaNikra (the extreme northwest corner of Israel). After some time there enjoying watching the waves crashing against the rocks, we headed back to Nahariya and had a light lunch outdoors at a restaurant just across the walkway from the beach. It was a perfect day for outdoor dining and conversation by the Mediterranean Sea!

After dropping Cynthia off back at her apartment, we called Golan, and this time we got through. So, we headed back up to M'tzuba. Golan has the last of the snakes that he had, and he showed us several of them, as well as some other interesting snakes that he has. Also, visitors were holding a couple of snakes that we recognized as our former "babies". I was particularly happy to see that the two surviving "fire opals" (snakes that are both corn snake lavender AND Emory rat snake amelanistic) are doing well. As far as I know, these are the only such snakes in the entire world! I held both of them in my hands again today, the results of our breeding project that we started 6 years ago in San Bernardino! They are both gorgeous. The female is essentially a solid pinkish white snake with slight hints of yellow now. The male has a faint saddle pattern and is slightly less pinkish. He's also a year younger than the female. He has always looked as though something compressed him lengthwise -- his saddles are narrower than usual, and he's shorter and fatter than usual.

A nice trip back on the northern road completed this enjoyable journey. I didn't take my camera, so I don't have any pictures. But Spring is right around the corner. The shkediot (wild almond trees) all around here near Tsfat at now in nearly full bloom, about a month earlier than usual. Before long, there will be millions and millions of beautiful wild flowers, and I won't be able to resist photographing them. So, stay tuned!

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