Wednesday, September 29, 2010

David settled well into the hospital

Today (Wednesday, 29 September) I spent the whole day at the hospital with David. I left home at 7:00 a.m. and didn't get back until after 7:30 p.m. David is doing quite well and feels better and much more rested. He isn't having any more seizures, but his hands are still pretty unsteady and his cognitive processes are still a bit messed up. I got him some candies and a couple of bottles of Coke Zero before all the stores in the hospital mini-mall closed for the holiday (last day of Succot and Simchat Torah).

Tomorrow, I'm planning to attend the morning prayers at Emet V'Shalom (our Reform synagogue in Nahariya) and then to pop on down to Haifa to spend the rest of the day with David.

Thanks to all of you for your prayers and good wishes!


Joe said...

Thanks for the updates, Arlan. Give David a hug for me and tell him I said howdy!

Love, Joe :-)

Barry said...

Glad to hear David is doing better. Send him our love and holiday good wishes.Take care of yourself, too.

Barry Wendell and Rabbi Joe Hample

Alissa said...

A r'fuah shlema for David, Arlan. B"H on his improvement, and I will pray for a speedy recovery so he can be back home as soon as possible!

Arlan Wareham said...

Thanks to all of you for your best wishes.

- Arlan