Wednesday, October 20, 2010

David is home!

Although they had planned to send David to a rehab hospital, after further evaluation, Maccabi (our kupat cholim, or HMO) decided to release him to come home and to send nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists, and perhaps others to our house. So, David came home with me yesterday (Tuesday)! He was a little unsteady on his feet yesterday, but today he's much improved. He can walk fairly well on his own now, although I still help him go up and down stairs.

Thanks for all of you for your thoughts and prayers!


Barry said...

We're overjoyed that David is doing better.

Avery said...

I just happened to stumble upon your blog through the postings from the congregation in Nahariya. Sorry to hear about David's travails and glad to hear he's feeling better.
Avery (from the Kfar Vradim minyan)