Tuesday, February 7, 2012

We've got an apartment!

We found an apartment to rent in Eilat, and we are really quite excited. It is on the top floor (4th floor here, although it would be considered 5th in the States) of a rather new building in the best part of town (called Shakhamon). The landlord and landlady are moving out of the apartment to a townhouse not far away since she is pregnant with their second child. They are very nice people, too. It took us a day longer than we had planned because we wasted a whole day waiting for an answer from the owner of the first apartment we wanted. Then, in the end, he decided he wanted to sell it instead! Anyway, it is a great relief to know that we'll have a good place to live.


Esther said...

Congratualtions!!! Pictures??

Barry said...

Mazal Tov, boys!