Sunday, September 20, 2009

Rosh HaShana 5770

As most of you know, yesterday and today (Sunday, 20 September) have been Rosh HaShana, the first days of the Jewish year 5770. We attended services at our Reform congregation in Nahariya, Emet V'Shalom, only Friday night and this morning (skipping Shabbat morning). Both services were very enjoyable. This morning, David and I got the honors of lifting one of the Torah scrolls and wrapping it up, respectively, after it was read from.

After the service today, our dear friend, Cynthia, invited us over to her apartment for coffee. We spent quite a bit of time there on her balcony (3rd floor) enjoying the conversation, the lovely view of the blue-green Mediterranean Sea just a short block away, and a very pleasant breeze on a lovely warm (but not hot) day.

After returning home, we had an absolutely delicious meal that our neighbors, Patricia and Shimon, had prepared. Following the meal, Shimon and I played a great game of Scrabble!

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