Saturday, December 19, 2009

Hosting prospective עולות חדשות olot chadashot

This week, some friends of friends contacted us. They are a couple from Long Beach, and they are planning to make aliyah (immigrate to Israel) in the near future. They were already in the country on a pilot trip, so I immediately invited them to come up and visit us here in Tsfat.

So, shortly after noon on Friday they arrived here from Tel Aviv in a rented car. The fog was so heavy that they could barely see the road once they started up the hill above Rosh Pinna, so I had to guide them by phone through the final turns. But they made it, and all of us were delighted!

We took them to prayers in Nahariya with us Friday night. Everyone was very welcoming, and we all had a wonderful time. Today, they took us to breakfast in Rosh Pinna, and then we took them on a grand tour of the extreme North. They are now seriously thinking of settling in Nahariya, which I think will be perfect for them. We are looking forward to them being here in Israel for good, because they have already become great friends!

1 comment:

Esther said...

It was very enjoyable meeting the almost olot hadashot and they should definitely move to Nahariya!