Tuesday, March 9, 2010

"The Cat Came Back"

Here's a very interesting story. Ts'hovi, the presumed father of our outdoor kittens (including the two that we adopted and brought indoors, Pascal and Peachy) had not been behaving well, at least some of the time. He would try to mount the other cats, especially Mr. B, biting their necks to keep them from getting away.

Finally, we had had enough of this rude behavior, so on Saturday we decided to relocate him to Rosh Pinna, in an undeveloped area that's not far from some houses. On this Google Earth image, you can see almost all of the route we drove. I have marked it with a yellow line. In the upper left, you can see where our house is (although it's not actually in the picture because it hadn't been built yet when the picture was taken). About half-way down the right side of the picture, I marked the place where we dropped him off. What you can't really tell from this picture is that our house is high on a hill, and Rosh Pinna is at the foot of the hill. The elevation at our house is about 2800 ft (855 m) above sea level, and the elevation where we dropped him off is about 1235 ft (377 m) above sea level. That's a difference of above 1565 ft (478 m)! If you click on the picture, it should open in a larger, full-screen version so that you can see the details more clearly.
So, imagine my surprise this morning (Tuesday) when I saw him sitting on the spool table on our porch, waiting with the rest of his family for me to feed them! Here's a picture of him that I snapped several minutes later, after most of the cats had eaten all that they wanted.
So, I think that we'll just adjust OUR attitudes about his behavior. Of course, another option would be to get him neutered, if we're willing to spend the money. We already got Beatrix, the kittens' mother, and all the kittens neutered, as I've mentioned before here, I think.

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