Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Snakes, some for sale, some not eating

Today (Wednesday, 1 Oct), we took 28 snakes over to our friend, Golan, at Kibbutz Matzuba (near Shlomi). There were actually several reasons: some are for sale; some are in partial payment for Y'hudit, the anerythristic female that we got from him last year but who actually belonged to another friend of his; and some have either not eaten at all or have been poor eaters (Golan and the guys who work for him there are good at getting snakes to eat). This will decrease the number of mouths I have to feed considerably. While we were there, he also paid us for the 4 babies that he has been able to sell so far. So, it was a profitable and enjoyable trip on a lovely early autumn day. Afterwards, we went to Greg Cafe in Nahariya and had a nice lunch there before returning home.

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