Sunday, September 21, 2008

Baby snake eating update

Today, I fed all the baby snakes from this year. I won't go into too many details, but this was an important feeding, since it was the 3rd opportunity for babies from the last 2 clutches to eat. If a baby snake eats 3 times, we can usually assume that it will be a consistently good eater, although there have been exceptions on occasion. The results at this time are encouraging: of the 57 babies that we currently have, 43 have eaten at least 3 times, 6 have eaten twice (having skipped last week), 2 have eaten only once, and 6 have consistently refused to eat. This does not count the 8 from earlier clutches that refused to eat that we had already taken to Golan to see if he can get them to eat. I was particularly pleased about the 6 that ate this week who hadn't eaten last week, since they are from Y'hudit's clutch, meaning that they are all heterozygous for both caramel and anerythrism (and the ones that are not hypomelanistic are also het for hypo).

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