Friday, September 19, 2008

Going to the gym

My class that was originally scheduled to go from 7:45 to 10:00 this morning was canceled a couple of days ago, so I was able to go to the gym this morning. Although I was sorry not to get the income (3 units equals about 90 shekels), I was glad for the opportunity to exercise. This made my 4th time at the gym this week (Mo, Tu, We, and Fr).

Here's my usual gym routine. I start with a 20-minute workout (plus another minute or so of cool-down at the end) on the cross-trainer (sometimes also called the elliptical trainer because one's feet move on elliptical paths). Then I generally do about 3 sets on one of the weight-lifting machines (today, it was the biceps machine). After that, I do balance exercises (standing on one foot while holding the other in one hand) and various leg-lifts, crunches, and stretches. Then I go put on my swimming suit. If there's room in the pool, I swim a couple of lengths (on my back -- I don't want to put my face under water because I wear my contact lenses). The last thing I do before I shower is to spend a few minutes in the steam room, during which time I do an additional stretch.

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