Sunday, September 21, 2008

Singing "Achat Sha'alti" for services

Friday evening, we arrived early because the rabbi had asked us to. The week before, we had asked him about the tradition of reciting Psalm 27, and in particular "Achat Sha'alti", during the month of Elul (right before the High Holy Days). Surprisingly, he hadn't seemed to be aware of this tradition, but when we told him about the tune we know, he wanted us to sing it. So, before services this Friday, I ran through the tune a few times with him, and he harmonized it on his keyboard even though I think that he'd never even heard it before!

Early in the service, he invited me up to sing it, and he accompanied me on his keyboard, of course. He must have been really pleased with it, because he invited me up to sing it again near the end of the service! I, too, think that it went well and was well received.

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