Saturday, September 6, 2008

Update on David

On Wednesday (the day after he was released from the hospital), David felt pretty good, and we even took a trip to Matzuva to visit Golan (our snake breeder friend). But on Thursday, David was very tired and slept most of the day. On Friday, he felt a little better. We went to Kabbalat Shabbat services, eating at ספגטים ("Spaghetim", which, of course, means "spaghettis"), an Italian restaurant in Nahariya, before. We even had desserts, and perhaps that was part of the problem. At any rate, when David tested his blood sugar after we got back home (around 9:40), the meter just said "HI", which is NOT a greeting (moan!) but means it's somewhere over 600! He immediately gave himself 14 more units of insulin (he had already taken 16 units to cover the carbohydrates in the meal). Then we needed to stay up to make sure that his blood sugar didn't go too low. It took an hour or 2 before it even got below 600 so that we could see what it was. Then we needed to wait get at least 3 readings, separated by a half hour, in order to gauge how fast it was coming down. By the time we finished all this, it was after 1:00 a.m., which is WAY past our usual bedtime (around 9:30). Anyway, this morning (Shabbat morning), his blood sugar was normal, and he also felt better. Of course, neither of us got up very early! He has been tired and has slept quite a bit today, but he also has been feeling better.

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